
Ponte - <‘pohn-tay> - noun, Italian - bridge


  • Il Ponte Film Group exists to create life-changing stories that transform culture.


  • Il Ponte is a nonprofit film production company that connects Hollywood professionals with emerging Italian filmmakers to make documentary and narrative films and videos designed to pursue truth and help us examine the lives we live and the experiences we share.


  • Better Together

    • Filmmaking is a collaborative process, and the results are best when all voices are represented. We value and commit to seeking out input from individuals and communities of diverse ages, genders, and ethnicities.

  • Pursuing Excellence

    • Words are powerful, and stories can change the world. Those stories must be told with honesty. As such, we commit ourselves to leveraging our skills and creativity with integrity and excellence.

  • Offering Hope

    • Movies have the power to speak to the heart and inspire change - but what message are audiences receiving? Now more than ever before, we must respond to world events and transform culture by creating media with redemptive themes that will encourage viewers to seek truth and live with purpose.



  • We have obtained our 501(c)3 designation to operate as a nonprofit organization. Please contact us at info@ilpontefilmgroup.com for more info regarding how you can make a tax deductible contribution.

all set photography by Stephanie Rhea

